Remedial Massage - An Overview

With the stresses and strains of everyday life in the work place or at home our bodies are continually under pressure to keep going.  As a result we suffer all manner of aches and pains which can be as a result of heavy manual labour or occur through repetitive strain from more sedentary occupations such as office work.

Whilst medication (in the form of anti-inflammatories and painkillers) gives a welcome short term relief it does not always return the sufferer to normal mobility as scar tissue and restricted muscles, ligaments and tendons may persist.

Remedial Massage is a deep tissue massage that efficiently treats injuries whilst removing blockages and damaged cells. This speeds up recovery and encourages complete healing. For thousands of years it was the principal method of treating musculo-skeletal problems. It produces both physical and psychological benefits and can be used as an injury preventative technique as well as a treatment.

Massage works on many different levels and it is the unique way in which it combines the various benefits to suit the individual that makes it such a versatile and effective treatment method.

The benefits of remedial massage include improved circulation, reduced soft tissue swelling (where present), breakdown of scar tissue after injury, reduced muscle tension or spasm and a general feeling of well-being.

The process of remedial massage is deeper than relaxing massage and therefore the benefits are usually greater.

If you have questions or concerns about pain management or are simply looking for more information please don’t hesitate to contact us.